"I just wish I could start a relationship about 12 years in, when you really don't have to try anymore, you can sit around and goof on TV shows, and go to bed without anyone trying any funny business."
Liz Lemon, 30 rock.
"I just wish I could start a relationship about 12 years in, when you really don't have to try anymore, you can sit around and goof on TV shows, and go to bed without anyone trying any funny business."
7 hours from now I'm gonna take my backpack and walk to the train. Then it´s my 13th Roskilde Festival in 15 years.
"i wanted to be a football player when i was growing up. but that's football in a sense that we understand it in britain not the word that you use for our national sport. a word i can never utter myself for the reason being if i ever do say that word somewhere in the world a british person dies."
"full otomatik çamaşır makinaları çıktı ya; yıkıyor, sıkıyor, kurutuyor. Alex de onun gibi."
"It’s got to be a thrilling experience, surfing YouTube in Turkey. You never know what you can expect. Is it up? Is it down? Is it blocked? Is it censored? Fun times."
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